Ive gone on a little Final Fantasy kick recently so downloaded all the free FF games today. Most of them are... Okay. Theyre almost all the same thing in different wrapping to be honest and none feel like final fantasy except for maybe Brave Exvius and even that has the sin of an energy system currency you need to buy with real money to get better things, just sit there and tap or swipe the screen in an endless battle, etc. it at least has a story and exploration option unlike most...
But I digress... I ran across this and was blown away at first. It was pure old school original final fantasy. Menu system, sounds, graphics and all. And I was loving it, but only played for about a minute when I realized it had to be to good to be true. Then I checked the description and it sure enough is. $15 to get the whole thing... Outrageous! For a spine off mobile app of a game series, that is way too much no matter the quality. Its a nice game to be sure but it shouldnt cost so much. I can download free, fan made alternatives or even play a flash game of equal quality for free.
_WolfSpirit about FINAL FANTASY DIMENSIONS, v1.1.3